In the world of sales, it is easy for sellers to get caught up in their own strategies and
techniques and forget about the perspectives of the people they are trying to sell to. But
what do buyers really think about the sales process? Here’s a story that sheds some
light on this question.
It was a hot January day in Nairobi and Jane was on her way to a meeting with a sales rep from a software company. Jane was the Director of IT at a large insurance
company, and she was looking for a new system to manage their claims processing.
She had been talking to several vendors, but none of them had really impressed her so
As she arrived at the meeting, she was greeted by Tom, the sales rep from the software
company. Tom was a friendly guy with a confident demeanor and he seemed eager to show Jane what his company could offer. They sat down in a corner in Java Restaurant and Tom began his pitch.
He started by talking about the features and benefits of his company’s software,
highlighting its ease of use and ability to streamline processes. He showed Jane some impressive demos, case studies too. He talked about the company’s customer support and implementation services. Jane listened politely, but she could not help feeling a little skeptical.
After about 30 minutes, Tom paused and asked Jane if she had any questions. She
hesitated for a moment, but then decided to be honest.
Tom, I appreciate the time and effort you have put into this presentation, she said But to be honest, I have heard a lot of sales pitches like this before and they all start to sound the same after a while. What I really want to know is, what makes your company different? What makes your software better than the others out there?
Tom smiled, clearly happy to have a chance to address Jane’s concerns. He leaned
forward and began to speak in a more conversational tone.
Jane, I understand what you are saying. It’s easy to get lost in all the features and
benefits and lose sight of what really matters to you. But let me tell you what we believe sets us apart. First of all, we have a team of experts who really understand the insurance industry and can help you tailor our software to meet your specific needs.
Secondly, we are committed to providing you with ongoing support and training to make sure you are getting the most out of our system.

Jane nodded, impressed by Tom’s response. That is good to know, she said. But there is still one more thing I am curious about. Why should I choose your company
over your competitors? What is your unique selling proposition?
Tom thought for a moment, then smiled again. Well, Jane, I think our unique selling
proposition is our commitment to being a true partner to our customers. We don’t just sell software, we work with you to understand your business and help you achieve your goals. We are always looking for ways to improve and innovate, so you can be sure that you are getting the latest, greatest technology and services.
Jane nodded again, this time with a smile of her own. Thanks, Tom, she said. I
appreciate your honesty and your willingness to answer my questions. I think I have a better understanding of what your company can offer now, and I will definitely consider you as we make our decision.
As Jane left the meeting, she could not help feeling a little relieved. She had expected
another dry, formula-laden sales pitch, but Tom had surprised her with his openness
and authenticity. It had made a real difference in how she perceived his company and it had given her something to think about as she continued her search for the right software solution.
The lesson here is clear: buyers want more than just a slick sales pitch.
It boils down to having a clear understanding of your own product and your unique
selling proposition(USP) that makes you stand out from the crowd.
To help you identify that USP and to express it confidently each and every time you are in front of a customer, you can drop us an email on
Don’t struggle alone when help is available.

Alternatively, you can fill out the form below and we will be eager to help you.


  • george munyui

    With a passion for web development and digital marketing, George Munyui brings a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to the digital world. As the mastermind behind this website, George Munyui thrives on crafting innovative solutions that drive online success. Whether it’s designing captivating web experiences or executing strategic marketing campaigns, George Munyui combines creativity with practical skills to deliver outstanding results. When not immersed in code or marketing strategies, George Munyui is always exploring new trends and technologies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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