Sales professionals know that their success is measured by the numbers. Metrics such
as conversion rates, lead generation and revenue growth are all critical indicators of
success. However, some statistics may shock you and greatly impact your sales
strategy. Here are some of the most shocking statistics that sales professionals need to

1.Imagine, 80% of Sales Require 5 Follow-Up Calls:

According to various studies, 80% of sales require

at least five follow-up calls after the initial meeting. Unfortunately, many sales reps give up after

one or two attempts, missing out on potential opportunities. This highlights the importance of

persistence and follow-up in the sales process.

2. Also, 55% of Salespeople Lack Basic Sales Skills:

A study by HubSpot found that 55% of salespeople lack basic sales skills such as active listening, asking questions, and
closing deals. This highlights the need for ongoing training and development for sales teams. Ecents Marketing offers the best Sales Team training Contact us today to enjoy exclussive services at a discounted price.

3. 63% of Buyers are More Likely to Purchase from Companies that offer free information
about the problem:

According to Sales Veterans, 63% of buyers are more likely to purchase
from companies that provide content such as blog posts, white papers and case
studies. This highlights the importance of content marketing as a sales strategy.

4. 50% of Sales Go to the First Salesperson to Contact the Prospect:

According to East African Data Sources, 50% of sales go to the first salesperson to
contact the prospect. This highlights the importance of responding quickly to leads and
following up promptly.

5. 92% of Buyers Read Online Reviews Before Making a Purchase:

According to East African Data Sources, 92% of  reviews before making a purchase. This highlights the
importance of reputation management and the need for positive customer reviews and

6. 71% of Salespeople Say Closing is Their Biggest Challenge:

A survey by HubSpot found that 71% of salespeople say that closing is their biggest challenge. This highlights
the importance of effective closing techniques and strategies.

7. Only 20% of Sales Leads are Followed Up on:

A recent study found that only 20% of sales leads are followed up on. This highlights the need for effective

lead management and follow-up processes.

8. 80% of Sales are Made After the 5th Contact:

According to the National SalesExecutive Association 80% of sales are made after the fifth contact

with the prospect. This highlights the importance of persistence and follow-up in the sales process.

9. 74% of Buyers Choose the Salesperson Who First Added Value and Insight:
According to a study by Corporate Visions, 74% of buyers choose the salesperson who
first added value and insight. This highlights the importance of providing value to
prospects early in the sales process.
10. 90% of Sales Reps Give Up After 4 “No’s”:

According to the Kenyan chapter of Sales Management Association, 90% of sales reps give up after receiving four no’s  from the prospect. This highlights the need for persistence and resilience in the face of rejection.

To avoid joining any of these stark statistics in your Sales efforts, there is help locally
available by reaching out to us on .
These shocking statistics highlight the need for sales professionals to be persistent,
knowledgeable and customer-centric. By understanding these statistics and adapting
their sales strategies accordingly, your sales teams can achieve greater success and
drive business growth.

Feel free to also drop your business information below and one of our specialists will contact you within no time


  • george munyui

    With a passion for web development and digital marketing, George Munyui brings a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to the digital world. As the mastermind behind this website, George Munyui thrives on crafting innovative solutions that drive online success. Whether it’s designing captivating web experiences or executing strategic marketing campaigns, George Munyui combines creativity with practical skills to deliver outstanding results. When not immersed in code or marketing strategies, George Munyui is always exploring new trends and technologies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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